Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Long Tiring Day

Another long tiring day and now it's time to try and relax, unwind, let go, whatever you call it.I find the best way to turn off from the work day is to literally turn off the switch.

Imagine that you have a big switch on the side of your head. Now grab hold of it and twist it to the "OFF" position and take a deep breath. Now imagine that turning the off switch simply puts a closure on the working day. It's like a big full stop. New sentence......the other part of your life. Get on with the present and stop worrying about the past.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Another Busy Day

Well, another busy day almost over. Time to relax. Nice cup of tea, close the eyes, deep breath.....and think about..................nothing........bliss.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Thirty Second Meditation.

When you are having a tough day at the office, try to take one minute for yourself to do the "thirty second" meditation.
If you have to, go the bathroom and just sit for a few moments with your eyes closed. Taking slow breaths, count slowly backwards from five. Five.....four....three...two ..slow doooown.....one. Now, slowly count up to ten, three times while gently breathing, just short easy breaths. Do the counting in your head, not out loud. Open your eyes and just smile to yourself. You have just completed the "thirty second" meditation.
It really helps make a tough day at the office a whole lot easier.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Stillmind Online - Back On Line

Meditation for Beginners Meditation for BeginnersHello everyone. Finally I am back on line to help anyone who might need some help to achieve a "Still Mind" using simple meditation techniques.